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Every Weezer song ranked, from worst to best
Conventional wisdom and one inspiredSaturday Night Live sketch hold that there are two kinds of Weezer fans. In one corner, you have the ride-or-diehards who have stuck with the Los Angeles pop-rock t...
少女心爆棚!日本Hello Kitty主题新干线粉嫩出发
日前,西日本铁路公司宣布,车身绘有日本卡通人物“凯蒂猫”(Hello Kitty)的500系新干线将从6月30日开始运行,车厢内的设计也被曝光。图片来源:西日本铁路公司Hello Kitty is hitting the rails.“凯蒂猫”主题的新干...
Hello Kitty mounts global offensive
Hello Kitty - Japan's most famous feline - is rediscovering its cultural roots.Hello Kitty DVD players on display in Tokyo June 18, 2008. Its maker Sanrio Co. is introducing new products to emphasize...